Also Note: In response to numerous, angry protests, I have adopted an easier to follow form of footnoting. What was * is now (1), and so on. Oh, what I do for my public!
* * *
Posaconazole has been making me miserable. Normal days or hours have alternated with days or hours of chills, shortness of breath, clumsiness, and stupidity.
The fungus has also been doing it’s part. It has been blocking my left nostril, making it pour mucus onto my food and clothes. Jackson Pollock shirts may be fashionable in New York, but I'm not there yet. I have been stuffing Kleenex in my nostril.(1)
My left ear too has produced prodigious mucus. The mucus drip asymmetry accentuates the Jackson Pollock style, but I, a stodgy, middle-aged doctor, have been stuffing my ear with cotton. Feh!
But note the crafty use of the past perfect tense above to create suspense: “have been,” “have been having,” etc. (Is that the correct term, grammar nerds?) Anyway, much has happened over last 2-and-a-half weeks, and, finally, the fungus is on the rungus!(2)
Because of the side effects, IDSA Guy reduced my dose of posaconazole just over 2 weeks ago. What a difference! No more stupid! No more chills! No more terrible fatigue! K/BWE even gave my wallet and car keys back to me (not kidding)!
Posaconazole also appears to be reversing my fungal symptoms. I am breathing through my nose! I am no longer gushing ear mucus that soaks left hearing aid. I can wear it again!
Willow: Woof, woof, woof!
K/BWE: Tommy's tripped on a rock and is caught in the well at the top of Whipple Hill(3) near the entrance at the intersection of Winchester and Berkshire Drive?
Willow: Woof, woof, woof!
K/BWE: He's at the top of the hill, so we need to call a medivac team?
Willow: Woof, woof, woof!
K/BWE: Good girl, Willow!
So I feel totally safe.
Posaconazole still makes me clumsy, and I tend to stumble even at home, much less on the hilly, rocky hikes I take with Willow.
Luckily, though, Willow, like the famous Lassie, is a genius. Should I, perhaps, trip on a rock and fall down a
well, she will run miles and find K/BWE in less than 5 minutes. Her
barks will somehow be intelligible to K/BWE:
Willow: Woof, woof, woof!
K/BWE: Tommy's tripped on a rock and is caught in the well at the top of Whipple Hill(3) near the entrance at the intersection of Winchester and Berkshire Drive?
Willow: Woof, woof, woof!
K/BWE: He's at the top of the hill, so we need to call a medivac team?
Willow: Woof, woof, woof!
K/BWE: Good girl, Willow!
So I feel totally safe.
And I am probably going BACK TO WORK on October 3!
Coming soon: October Update, Part 2: Would They Please Shut Up About That?
(1) This is also to conceal my new secret identity as Mucusman.
(2) Rungus is Ancient Latin for “retreat.”
(3) Whipple Hill is the former location of lavish mansion belonging to the famous advertising star, Mr. Whipple. He died in a terrible accident when he squeezed the Charmin too hard, and he left no heirs. It is now conservation land.
Coming soon: October Update, Part 2: Would They Please Shut Up About That?
(1) This is also to conceal my new secret identity as Mucusman.
(2) Rungus is Ancient Latin for “retreat.”
(3) Whipple Hill is the former location of lavish mansion belonging to the famous advertising star, Mr. Whipple. He died in a terrible accident when he squeezed the Charmin too hard, and he left no heirs. It is now conservation land.